12.05.-14.05.2025 | Seminar BU 11-25

Collective Power - Labour Union Basics. When I face challenges at work: Where can I find allies ?

BU 11-25     Verfügbar (Last Minute)

Who do you turn to when you have a problem at work or need legal advice? Non-German speaking colleagues working in Germany are more vulnerable to unfair treatment by employers. They are more likely to face complex legal problems and need additional legal support.
With this in mind, we offer this seminar as a Bildungsurlaub* to introduce labour union basics. German labour unions are quite different from labour unions in other countries. With more than six million members we are massive organisations and likely the biggest political collective in Germany. We have large and powerful labour unions with many services to support our members. Plus, we have a long history and a legal foundation that gives employees the right to negotiate their salaries and working conditions with a powerful collective voice.
Our three day seminar in Frankfurt offers you an overview of what we offer. For example: Who could be my advocate when I need help? Who could I turn to if I need legal advice? How can I create local networks? Where can I get the information I need in order to learn about and exercise my rights as an employee?

Main topics include:

  • Labour unions in the German context
  • Tarifverträge (collective agreements)
  • Your potential allies
  • Who you call when you need help

*Bildungsurlaub means that you get 3 paid days off work to take part in this seminar. This is your legal entitlement based on the Hessisches Bildungsurlaubsgesetz. After you have registered and received confirmation for the seminar, we will send you documents (approx. 9 weeks before the start of the seminar). You must submit your application for Bildungsurlaub to your employer no later than 6 weeks before the start of the seminar.

Cooperation with DGB Bildungswerk Hessen e.V.